What are the features of the My Energy Monitor portal?
A non-exhaustive feature list of the cloud-based My Energy Monitor portal is as follows:
Organizational Management:
- Switch between two company accounts.
- Add a new meter.
- Search for a meter.
- Delete a meter.
- Add consumption for an external meter.
- Upload consumption for an external meter.
- Delete consumption for an external meter.
- Bulk delete consumption data for an external meter.
- Add and edit environmental contract details.
- Change the portal language.
Building Management:
- See all important stats, KPIs, and metrics for a building.
- Analyze building performance with ET Curve
- See the locations of all of an organization's buildings on the map.
- Search for buildings.
- Add/view/edit a building's details, including its name, group, address, rating, and meters etc.
- See all the meters in use by a building.
- Add a new building to your portfolio.
- Delete a building.
- Add building groups, and apply them to buildings.
- Delete building groups.
- Search for building groups.
User Management
Energy and Carbon Monitoring
- View the most important metrics and KPIs of your companies.
- View the collective energy consumption of your buildings.
- View the collective energy consumption of your companies.
- Filter collective consumption of your buildings or companies by year/month/week/day.
- View your least energy-efficient buildings.
- View your collective environmental footprint (as compared to previous year).
- View, compare and filter energy consumption of individual buildings.
- View, compare and filter energy consumption of individual companies in your portfolio.
- Create notifications/alarms for energy consumption thresholds.
- Send emails to multiple people in case alarms are triggered.
- Edit notifications.
- Delete notifications.